What is most important to me right now? What is important to others in this situation? What is my largest vision of what’s possible? Where are the openings? What would serve the largest purpose possible at this moment?
Engage spontaneously
Bring what is within to others, imagine it will be a gift
Play: all the time, for as long as openings exist
Seek support when the obstacles overwhelm us
we engage with life from within what arises spontaneously; bring what is within us to others, imagining it will be a gift; play, all the time, for as long as openings exist; and seek support when the obstacles overwhelm us
Hannah: Whatever is within you, bring it with utmost reverence that it's part of the human whole.
Don't pull away as if you're just one person. Offer it as a gift. It will change how you speak.
I'm an agent of patriarchy simply by living in a family with 3 small children.
There's no such thing as a stupid question. Breathe love into the part that says it's stupid. Take it by the hand and walk with it to a conviction that it's a gift.
Then it's not whether question is a gift. But whether you have the strength within you to bring yourself forward as a gift?
Small children just assume they are gifts.
I don't want to make it easy for you to just say the question. I'm interested in the question. But if so we will skip over what's important.
Living in the margins/ being different already takes energy. And still more is demanded.
Cleaning the field of sexual desire.
@Risking our significance
FPT: It's difficult when I receive a lot of messages that they don't have enough time. Everything is already decided by some arbitrary upper management. That they expect things to be different with a minimal change.
I react a lot with questions about not trusting the method.
Not asking for things that I think are good for the whole, because I'm afraid it will upset people. I'm in a perennial fear of making things harder for people, creating extra work for people.
Not asking for space for myself, for care, for time for conversation.
@Just even raising my hands here is making my fingers cold and my throat constricts. And I have tears about this, just how much constriction I have. And how much shame I have around being weak, and I have to hide the fact that I'm weak. Just the immense mental toll it takes.
Lead: encourage ppl to speak, share ideas while having enough movement towards purpose.
Lead in a certain way.
Very deep rooted either or. I or others. So deeply rooted. They speak of balance not integration. Balance is within scarcity.
People put me in a position of deciding what to weave into purpose, sometimes we do without weaving purpose.
=Replace stuck with mourning.
Taking myself seriously. Think about shared purpose. Breathe in while thinking about our shared purpose, is it alive within you? With that, would you shape what you want to bring differently? Would you let go?
I either speak up for give up. In this lack of possibility I loose power.
You don't fully belong in any group. You don't belong the dominant group.
=I'm not speaking about you, I'm just speaking generally, stating a social-existential phenomenon within a patriarchal world. There's a lens that says I'll speak up because I've been oppressed for so long. Speak with power on behalf of the whole is still possible.
Risking my significance means taking risk.
People react and say "we are done". Now more skill is needed from you. Who's responsible for X? "I, within capacity. I, in relation to purpose. What's mine to do? How do I take us all forward?" NOT "what they should do, could still do". If I think of something they could do, I want to connect to a vision of why I want them to do what I want, make it a request not a demand.
=Acknowledge that in this moment, I'm not able to respond nonviolently. I want to know how much aligned I am.
=Are you giving up right now? Are you willing to practice right now?
I'm not offering empathy, just staying with you, asking you what's on your mind. I'm asking "What is it you would like right now and how do you tie it to "risking our significance"?
When emotions come, we go to either/or: suppress or express. How do you want to relate to your emotions now in the context of our purpose?
=It's your choice whether you want to continue or stop
Exhaling is a spontaneous way to enlarge space for emotion
I'm often risking my significance in service of a purpose that I feel is important (and may not be shared).
=I'm completely sure that what you say is 100% accurate, and it's shitty, and is there capacity in me to bring forth what's alive in me to shift purpose of the whole, while accepting all possibilities.
You don't have strength to DO this, you have strength to try. When there's opening, you succeed. When there's obstacles, you collapse. What can I do to grow my capacity? I cannot grow others' capacity unless they sign up for it?
Don't blame anyone including myself. This is just capacity limits (which may lead to wards & killing).
Some of us know pathways for large-scale conflicts, but collectively we don't have capacity.
150 armed conflicts every year
Not something wrong with them for resisting. Do I have capacity? If I don't, then I mourn.
=I'm seeing you maintaining your sense of self, coherence much more than a while back. Is it supportive t hear?
Can you see your persistence became a gift for the whole.
Notice every time I hear "I have to", just right it down - I will miss 90%
notice more often
End of day need analysis - what was the need that led me to say "I have to"
what is the fear - what would happen - what are the needs
What are the needs that won't be met if I do or don't do
Trace everything possible
Choose retro-actively would I still choose the same, is there a way to care for totality of needs?
He would have stayed as some random psychologist
Accompany me in this. There is work and she gave me diet change, and I want a pain relief.
=Would you feel free to say no?
Read value & principle
- Courage as choosing to take action that risks our significance, in alignment with purpose and within care for the whole, even when we are in the grip of patriarchal conditioning
- To strengthen our capacity to risk our significance with nonreactive discernment, we ground all our actions in purpose, liberation, and tenderness towards our own and each other’s capacity limitations.
I have been tracking how long your hand has been up, you know, your electronic raised hand at the beginning of the call, you dropped once and as soon as you come back, your hand went up again and it was up over 45 minutes. I just wanted to acknowledge your tenacity and you know you hanging in there to bring yourself forward. And it's really, really touching. So I just wanted to give you that because you spoke also to What can I bring. And I think this is something that you can bring into spaces is "hang in there".
Khang's middle name is tenacity. It's amazing the tenacity.
Khang wow…❤️🔥 i don’t have much capacity to write… but i wanted to say how beautiful your gift was to us.. from start to finish… including daniel’s reflection of you.. and your tears…
Staying invisible
I lead group in a way that's lacking choice as much as when I stay invisible. Fear is deeply rooted around the gift that comes up many years ago. The shamanic gift has been shut down & suppressed. If I allow my full access to my power I would lead groups very differently, not over-power people. I'm not worthy.
I didn't pause long enough for Ilona to land with the acknowledgement. Miki gave me that.
MacGregor: I felt abandoned and hurt. I want to provide emotional support.
MacGregor wants to provide emotional support to people who were recently arrested for peace activism. Also, she wants to advocate that anyone who plan future actions consider the huge impacts such actions have on certain groups of people. She wants support in planning how she can do this.
And that which comes to me as fruit goes on as seeds
I'm significant. Life would not be the same if I wasn't here. Why am I not saying anything if I see things not working for xyz?
Take the risks that arise from taking our significance seriously
Imagine we live in visionary world, there's no risk, just our being. We acknowledge that there is risk in this current reality.
A lot of risk is being confronted with my limitations.
You pray for something. If it's not aligned with your purpose, God will not grant it, because if you got comfort & ease that will deter you from purpose.
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