Breathing exercise: slower a bit, inhale and hold, exhale and hold
- Polarities have 2 or more right answers that are interdependent
- If we stretch and hold values as pairs instead of as opposites, it will be easier to find ways to embrace them
- Find neutral/ positive words to describe the 2 poles
- Acknowledge the fear, downsides with each pole
- Use Both-And thinking
Barry Johnson: we manage polarities by, seeing, mapping, assessing, learning and leveraging them.
- Seeing – relatively straightforward; we clearly see that we can't choose to either inhale or exhale, but rather must inhale and exhale.
- Mapping – We can map the polarities and see the upsides of both inhaling and exhaling while also seeing the downside consequences of managing one to the neglect of the other.
- Assessing/Learning – Done quickly and near simultaneously in this instance; how well are we meeting our needs to both inhale and exhale? Have we noticed increased carbon dioxide or decreased oxygen?
- Leveraging – What action steps can we take to maximize the upsides and what early warning signs will we now look for when we’re moving into the downsides?
Self-journalling: 20 mins, group of 3, broadcast at 5 mins before
- Not wear mask: ease, boundary & freedom, choice (trust inner knowing), authentic connection, regularity, respect for personal choice, fairness of access, need clarity,
- Yes: safety for self & community, sense of duty/ contribution, fear of not belonging
- If I also go to the "no mask" pole, what's my fear: fear for myself and my family, get someone sick
- If I'm forced to wear masks all the time: I have no control over my life
- Both-and - Strategies that is based on and includes all needs?
- Feelings & needs:
Strategies: vaccines, isolation, mask, distancing,
Mutuality, fairness
I find it easier to give my life to the rules
I'm angry they're making other scared, there's no consequences, why is there even a rule
I have to vs. I choose to
It can be conflict at all levels, but the important thing is what is the values, the dreams behind that.
Sometimes we're lazy and assume everyone has some needs. But we need to acknowledge the fears too. Be more sharp, more on our toes.
Here her values, the downsides of both poles. See if we can give space for both poles, but don't bypass the fears.
To help us become even more open
- What might be the day if Polarization is the night, what is the out-breath is Polarization is the in-breath? e.g. Polarization is an exciting challenge, but can be too big. We want unity. But we become so lazy, not so charged.
- Can you hold both sides as neutral/ positive?
- What are the fears, downsides?
- Does it change your approach?
- You're sharing because you want to just name it, or to be heard in that, or something else?
- Interrupt: Let me make sure I get that right. Let me see if I got that first part.
- At the same time I also see that there's pain in not being connected
- Just take a moment to put a hand in your chest to fully allow that reaction to come in
- There's no hurry, I love to hear you
- I love you consider others, have time to be living what you believe in, and the struggle to live that
- I'm not saying to shut you up, I want us all to go deeper
- What else do you want to know about that place
- One part of you want to let go, another part wants to keep on
- Wherever you are, in despair, angry, bored, just take a moment to breahte in, and out, notice how we're struggling with something that we haven't found a clear path to yet
- Do you want to be your side, or the other?
- the fear that we want to protect our loved ones
- want to live in w world where we care about ppl we love
- Recap: You want us to really take this in as well. You want us to see larger picture. Not take the easy way out, but take even more expansion in viewing this.
- Can you tell us about the core of what she's saying.
- Would you be willing to reflect that back?
- Clearly take in consideration for human choice
- Not a strategy, but you want that part to be IN there
- The fear can be overwhelming for us, so we need community to HOLD that
- I just want to hear from you two each a last sentence before we conclude, to know that you're "fine"
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